Welfare to Careers Project
About Us
In response to the 1996 Welfare Reform Act, the Education and Work Consortium developed the Welfare to Careers Project. The Consortium is a unique collaboration between two private institutions (Metropolitan College of New York and Pace University) and one public institution (Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York). The Welfare to Careers Project (WTCP) is a nationally replicable program that links college education to work experience and career training, with the ultimate aim of permanently lifting the working poor out of poverty.
Our Mission
The mission of the Welfare to Careers Project is to influence public welfare policy by demonstrating, through a replicable model, that a career-focused Bachelor’s degree with comprehensive support services will enable low-income, underserved people to achieve economic self-sufficiency.
What We Do
The Welfare to Careers Project provides the following to low-income working parents:
Tuition Assistance
Initial and ongoing assessment, case management, and counseling services
Remediation and tutorial services
Career counseling and job placement
Two-year career follow-up on graduates
Who We Serve
In January 2003, we surpassed our enrollment goal with 197 students. Of the original cohort of 197 students, 111 students or 56 percent of the students achieved a degree. Ninety-one percent of these graduates or 101 of the students obtained a bachelor’s degree and ten earned an associate’s degree. Our students:
Are 96% female and 4% male
Are, on average, 33 years old
Are single parents (92%) with an average of 2 minor children
Are predominately African American or Caribbean (82%) or Latino (15%)
Have an average annual income of $16,480
Pay an average monthly cost of $594 for housing
Rely on public benefits to make ends meet
Reside in the five boroughs of New York City